
Director General

Director General
Director General

Director: Li Tsuey-fong
Public Health Bureau Affairs Management

·Master of Epidemiology,Institute of Public Health Program,National Yang Ming University
·Bachelor of Public Health,China Medical University
·Associate Degree of Nursing,National Taipei Junior College of Nursing

·Chief of Southern Taiwan Centers for Disease Control,Ministry of Health and Welfare
·Chief of Situation Room,Taiwan Centers for Disease Control,Ministry of Health and Welfare
·Chief Editor of Disease Report,Taiwan Centers for Disease Control,Ministry of Health and Welfare
·Director of the 4th Precinct,Disease Prevention Bureau,the Department of Health,Executive Yuan
·Group Director of Maternal and Child Health,National Health Bureau,Ministry of Health and Welfare
·Director of the 1st Precinct,Disease Prevention Bureau,the Department of Health,Executive Yuan
·Director of the 3rd Precinct,Disease Prevention Bureau,the Department of Health,Executive Yuan
·Chief of Disease Prevention Department,the 3rd Precinct,Disease Prevention Bureau,the Department of Health,Executive Yuan
·Chief of Public Health,Quarantine Station of Harbor District,Ministry of Health and Welfare
·Associate Technical Specialist and Technical Specialist,Centers for Disease Detection and Monitoring of Quarantine Station,Central District,Ministry of Health and Welfare
·Lecturer of China Medical University,Chung Shan Medical University and Ministry of Education
·Registered Nurse of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,Taipei Municipal Fuyou Hospital and MacKay Memorial Hospital

Public health administration,disease prevention and control,maternal and child health,public health nursing.

點閱數841 上架日期 2024/1/29